All posts by Kemoi Reid


I’ve come to the realization that this is blogging thing is really tedious stuff.

I have read numerous blogs, mostly Arsenal related material. I’ve always had the intention to blog, written a few unpublished pieces (mostly Arsenal related) and have flirted with the idea of submitting some of these pieces to well established bloggers as a guest writer, failing to do so for a myriad of reasons. But I reckon the time has come for me to step into the lime light, strut my stuff so to speak.

I know a bit about football. I’m a proud fanatic. My passion is obviously for Arsenal, but those who know me also know that I’m relatively unbiased about my thoughts and general ideas regarding the beautiful game. I won’t say I am an expert, God knows I’m not, but what I can guarantee is that I will be very objective and critical of a wide range of football related issues, both locally and internationally. This also obviously includes occassional rant about the irrelevance of other sports.

Make no mistake about it, this blog will not be limited to purely Arsenal or the English Premeir League, as many of my peers have asked. I am fully commited to widening my base knowledge, expanding on the little that I know and I am also ready to learn from you my readers through your feedback.

I plan to do daily posts. As much as work and studying allows me to. Doctor life hard, yes? Attempts will be made to treat you will adequate doses of insight and accutate judgment.

Well then
93:59:59 Full Time.

Another Kick off tomorrow. Time to be decided by her obviously. Cheers